A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V _


_aaAminoAcid - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.ASRVByteAAGene
The sequence of amino acids that make up this gene.
_byteType - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.ByteAminoAcid
The type of this amino acid.
_currentTime - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Lineage
The amount of time that has passed since the beginning of evolution.
_edge - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.LineageFork
The node to fork
_edges - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Lineage
The edges we are currently processing.
_edges - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.graph.EdgeListGraph
Our list of edges.
_fltEvolutionSpeed - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.ASRVByteAAGene
The speed with which this gene evolves.
_fltSubstitutionProbability - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.ByteAminoAcid
The probability that this amino acid will undergo substitution.
_gneDestination - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Recombiner
The gene into which recombined material will be copied.
_gneGenes - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Genome
The collection of genes in this genome.
_gneSource - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Recombiner
The gene from which recombined material will be copied.
_hgtCounts - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Lineage
The amount of substitions before horizontal gene transfer is to be processed.
_hgtCounts - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.config.Configuration
Our breakpoints for HGT.
_id - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.ASRVByteAAGene
The ID number for this gene.
_intParalogs - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Genome
The number of paralogs per gene in this genome.
_intToChar - Static variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.AATranslator
Provides mapping between char and int encodings for AminoAcids.
_lakeCategories - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Genome
The values for Lake's ten categories.
_nodes - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.graph.EdgeListGraph
Our list of nodes.
_paralogID - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.ASRVByteAAGene
The paralog ID number for this gene.
_parser - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.parsing.LECParser
The actual parser used to parse the XML document.
_probabilities - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.RandomSelection
The probability of selection per element in the n-tuple.
_rootGenome - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.config.Configuration
The root genome.
_smtrx - Static variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.ASRVByteAAGene
The currently employed substitution matrix for this gene.
_substitutions - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.GenomeEvolver
The length of evolution that this visitor will process.
_total - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.RandomSelection
The sum of all probabilities in the provided array.
_totalSubs - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.ASRVByteAAGene
The number of substitutions processed in this gene.
_totalTime - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Lineage
The total time to process evolution.
_totalTime - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.config.Configuration
The total time to process evolution.
_tree - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.Lineage
The tree topology to follow for this lineage.
_tree - Variable in class edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver.config.Configuration
The topology.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V _