Package edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver

Provides all basic, universal LineageEvolver classes directly, and serves as a parent for all other LineageEvolver packages.


Interface Summary
AminoAcid Common interface for models of amino acids.
Gene Common interface for models of genes.
Substitutable Common interface for modelling substitutable elements.
SubstitutionMatrix Common interface for all substitution matrices.

Class Summary
AATranslator Serves as a translator between AminoAcid naming schemes.
ASRVByteAAGene Gene implementation using ByteAminoAcid and Simple Among Site Rate Variation (ASRV).
ByteAminoAcid Amino Acid implementation using byte datatype.
DiagonalRecombiner Description of type goes here.
GeneDuplicator GenomeVisitor subclass encapsulating gene duplication functionality.
GeneKiller GenomeVisitor subclass encapsulating gene death functionality.
Genome Model of Genomes, composed of a collection of Genes.
GenomeEvolver GenomeVisitor subclass encapsulating generic 'evolution'.
GenomeRearranger GenomeVisitor subclass encapsulating the rearrangement process.
GenomeVisitor Abstract class for all visitors meant exclusively for Genomes.
JTT JTT Substitution Matrix.
Lineage Model of Lineages comprised of a collection of Genomes.
LineageFork LineageVisitor subclass encapsulating the n-furcation process.
LineageVisitor Abstract base class for all Visitors intended specifically to visit Lineages.
RandomSelection Class used for weighted random selection of an element in a set, given discrete relative probabilities (weights) between elements in the set.
Recombiner Intermediary class encapsulating the recombination process between two genes.

Exception Summary
AATranslator.InvalidAminoAcid Base class for exceptions generated during amino acid encoding/decoding.
AATranslator.InvalidAminoAcid.InvalidAminoAcidByte Exception thrown when a byte value outside the AminoAcid range was used as an encoded AminoAcid.
AATranslator.InvalidAminoAcid.InvalidAminoAcidChar Exception thrown when a character value outside the AminoAcid range was used as an encoded AminoAcid.
AATranslator.InvalidAminoAcid.InvalidAminoAcidInt Exception thrown when an integer value outside the AminoAcid range (0-19) was used as an encoded AminoAcid.

Package edu.uconn.mcb.lineageevolver Description

Provides all basic, universal LineageEvolver classes directly, and serves as a parent for all other LineageEvolver packages. This package directly provides all of the basic interfaces and implementing classes for each level of abstraction within the LineageEvolver design, as well as associated visitors.